Frequently Asked Questions About Street View Inside:

The Basics

  • What is a Google Business View?
    Google Business View is a 360° virtual tour of the inside of your business. It’s Google Street View technology for business interiors.

    With a Business View, your customers can take a stroll through your business and explore for themselves. Panoramic photos are taken throughout the location in a very particular and precise fashion to give the viewer the ultimate 3D walkthrough.

  • Why can’t I do this myself?
    For several reasons. First, the equipment required to complete a Business View is very specific to taking stitched, panoramic photos. It is not ordinary or typical equipment that even most professional photographers have available.

    Second, to ensure a consistent experience for viewers from one View to the next, there are very specific procedures and specifications in terms of how the photographs are taken. Each Trusted Photographer goes through extensive training to learn these requirements.

    Third, Business Views are created using proprietary technology for which Google allows Trusted Photographers to access.

    Lastly, as technology and Google’s requirements change, the program changes. Trusted Photographers are in frequent contact with Google to stay on top of changes.

    Also, there’s one big advantage to using a Google Trusted Photographer. While you as the business owner are free to upload any photos to your Google My Business page, any photos uploaded to that page by us will be labeled as having been added by Google which adds to the trust factor.

  • Why should I use a Google Trusted Photographer?
    A Google Trusted Photographer is someone who has demonstrated to Google their proficiency in producing 360° interactive panoramas by having at least 50 Google approved 360° Panoramas uploaded to Google Street View.


  • Can I embed the Business View on my own site?

    You’ll be able to embed your View on your website, and even on your Facebook page.
    In fact, you can place a Business View anywhere that allows you to embed via an iframe.
    Don’t have a clue what that means? Not a problem. We’d be happy to help

  • How can Business View help my business?
    Quite simply, Business View increases interest and engagement among your current and future customers. More interest and more engagement means the potential for more revenue.

    It’s not easy to establish trust these days. Business View helps build trust with potential customers by showing them the real world you operate in. Even businesses that lack a fancy location benefit in this way.

    Imagine if you were considering going to a new restaurant or bar, getting your hair done, or any number of purchase decisions. How would you feel if before even stepping into that establishment you knew exactly what to expect?

  • What types of businesses benefit from a Business View?
    We believe that any business which qualifies for a local Google My Business page will benefit from a virtual tour.

    Generally speaking, if you see customers face to face – whether at your location or their’s – you qualify for a local Google page.

    Even if you don’t see customers at your location, having a Business View can help establish trust.

    And if customers do come to you, a Business View can get them excited, make them comfortable, and otherwise increase their engagement with your business.

    Google Business View is perfect for:

    • Restaurants
    • Bars
    • Clubs
    • Coffee Shops
    • Gift Shops
    • Bed and Breakfasts
    • Automobile Dealerships
    • Retail Shops
    • Malls
    • Gyms and Fitness Clubs
    • Yoga Studios
    • Hair and Nail Salons
    • Schools
    • Bowling Allies
    • Sports Facilities
    • Entertainment Venues
    • Wedding Venues
    • Daycare Centers
    • Retirement Homes
    • Professional Offices
    • And more!
  • Where will my Business View be displayed on Google?
    Your Google Trusted Photographer will upload your Business View and ensure they show up in three places:
    • Google My Business (formerly Google Places)
    • Google Maps (which is very important in mobile marketing)
    • Google Search
  • No monthly fees?
    There are no monthly fees to host your Street View | Trusted tour. Google hosts them as a part of google Maps.

    Similar to embedding YouTube Videos, you can embed the virtual tours for free right on your own website. They resemble photos, but then customers can interact with the embedded tours by “virtually” moving about your company’s business.

    We also provide Hosted Tours for an additional fee (Tours not linked to Google) suitable for realtors listings Homes / Condos for Sale or Apartment up for Rent. 

The Shoot

  • What should I expect the day of the photo shoot?
    The photographer will complete your Google Street View | Trusted tours in two parts the interior and the exterior if desire.The virtual tour consists of moving the camera through the business in systematic fashion to complete the 360 degree tour.

    The camera is moved in about 5 to 15 foot increments along the path of the tour. The camera rests in each spot and is rotated to capture the full 360 degree view of that step. Each of these panoramic steps take about 2 to 5 minutes each to complete.

    The time to complete the shoot typically ranges from 30 minutes to 3 hours depending on the size of the business and if you desire people to move out of each shot.

    Additional still images can be takes by the photographer if desire for a additional fee.

  • Can my employees be in the shoot?
    In most cases, we believe that it’s best not to have people shown in the Business View panoramic photos.
    Having people in the photos can be a distraction and cause a ghosting effect if not properly planned.

  • Can the shoot be completed around my time schedule?
    Yes. We understand the busy needs of business owners and the demands you face each and every day.

    We will make this a simple and pain-free process for you. And part of that means scheduling when it’s most convenient for you.

    Depending upon the type of business you have, we might make suggestions as to the optimal but in the end will defer to your judgement and desires.

  • Should I have the shoot during open business hours or while we are closed?
    The choice is up to you. The 360 virtual tours photo shoots, are non-disruptive and can be completed during opening hours. Privacy is achieved by blurring faces and license plates in the published tour.

    A business open with customers can look lively and inviting. A business without people in the image is a nice clean look as well. The choice is yours.

  • How long does it take after the shoot for the Street View Inside to go live?
    We are committed to having your street view tour live within a week after your photo shoot.However a number of factors can determine how soon your tour can go live.

    We carefully review each photograph to ensure it meets quality standards and that any privacy concerns are addresses. In addition, for the still photos, many businesses choose for us to do some post-processing work to enhance these images so that they look their very best. If you have a specific event or deadline in mind for a product launch, please let us know during the initial consultation and we will do our best to accommodate you.

  • Which areas of my business will be photographed?
    Photo shoots will include the main customer-facing areas of your business. You can work with the photographer to determine what areas of your businesses you would like to highlight, or even exclude from the shoot.

    Once again, the goal of the photographs is to show customers what they would expect to see if they visited your business on a normal day.

  • Will the photo shoot be disruptive to my business?
    Absolutely not.
    We’ll work around your business’ needs or even perform the shoot outside of normal business hours.

    Your business comes first and we’re very sensitive to that. And most importantly, our entire objective is about enhancing your business and helping you get more customers. So the last thing we will do is cause any interruption.

  • What do I need to do to prepare my business ahead of the photo shoot?
    Walk through your own business: A great way to get an objective view of your business is to walk through it as though you were a first-time customer. What aspects of your store grab your attention?

    Clean areas in the shoot

    • Put away any papers on surfaces
    • Empty garbages that are visible
    • Tidy up any cables
    • Loose items should be put away, declutter
    • Check outdoors (front door, patio, etc) so that it looks presentable
    • Add decorations to look nice if needed
    • Replace any burnt out light bulbs
    • Clean any reflective surfaces
  • After the shoot do I need to add this to Google myself?
    we take care of all the photography and publishing to Google. You get to sit back and relax!

Privacy and Legal

  • What if there is sensitive information visible in my business?
    The privacy of you, your business, and your customers is of the utmost importance to us. During our pre-shoot consultation, we will discuss any areas of your business that you prefer to keep private and not open for public view.

    We will only shoot in areas you want to be visible to the public.  In addition, we recommend that you simply hide any sensitive documents or other items from view. You can store the items temporarily in boxes or inside cabinet while the shoot is being conducted.

    If you have any additional questions, just let us know.

  • What measures are in place to ensure privacy and legal compliance?
    Photo shoots will exclude any areas of your businesses which you would not like to feature. In addition, our photographers will always alert customers and employees before a photo is taken, to uphold their privacy.

    All panoramic imagery will be processed to blur out the faces of any employees or customers who appear in the imagery.

    At any time, you may request additional blurring or take down of entire images.
  • Who can authorize a Business View?
    You must have the proper authority to allow our Trusted Photographer to access your location and take the necessary photographs. And you must also have the authority to allow Google to subsequently use those photographs in its products and services.

    Who has that authority depends upon the individual business. But we generally require either an owner, director, partner, or designated manager to enter into a Business View agreement.

  • Could my photos be removed for other reasons?
    Yes, your photos might be removed if they are found to violate the Google photo policy. Although all business images undergo quality review before being uploaded, some photos may still be reported as inappropriate and later removed. The complete photo policy can be found here.

  • Do I own the photographs taken by a Trusted Photographer?
    Yes, you will own the photos taken by Trusted Photographers once you have paid for this service and the shoot is complete. Bear in mind that, by signing the agreement provided by the Trusted Photographer, you will also license the use of the photos to Google who will publish the imagery and to.

    The Trusted Photographer will also have a nonexclusive license to use any number of images created under this agreement for derivative works or as “samples” or “portfolio copies” for Photographer to archive examples of Photographer’s work and to advertise or market Photographer’s professional services. 
  • If I’m not the business owner, can I request the removal of a photo?
    Users can request the removal of images that display inappropriate content, and business owners can ask us to remove 360-degree images taken by Trusted Photographers through the “Report a problem” link or the “Report inappropriate photo” link for feature photos.